Father help me in my powerlessness.
Send the wisdom and strength of the Holy Spirit
My deeper, truer self desires your healing..
...as I surrender these areas to you.
Father, into your hands I commend...
this day, this trial, this sorrow, this cross,
my helplessness, not knowing what to say or do, my judging, worries, anger and hatred,
my family and how I would like them to be, even though they are not,
my poor self-image,my lack of creativity and risk,
my blaming of others, my deceits and envy,
all the things I cannot tolerate and detest,
my darkness, pettiness, jealousies,
my addictions, dysfunctional habits and fixations,
my manipulations, perverseness, negativity,
my non-gospel, non sacramental ways of living
I am sincerely sorry for all my sins, please forgive me
I ask for your mercy my Father
to teach me not to offend you anymore
and to devote my life and everything I do to your glory.