Interfaith Intercultural Interracial Prayers for World Peace: "Be the Peace Leader. Let's Pray One Another for Peace" - Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, sailing for peace
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Peace Vigil 2012: When in doubt, talk it out. However if the other person doesn't want to speak with you, leave them alone, but pray for their soul to understand what you mean
Human soul have been the subject of debate for the atheists, and some agnostics. Different religions have their own descriptions on what a human soul is. But for me, I believe that our soul is our mind, and our spirit is the breath of God that is within and inside our body. Thus, the connection of mind, body and spirit. and I also believe that we need to take good care of what information we put into our mind, for doing so is protecting the composition of our soul. As the mind process everything like a working machinery, it transmit everything to our body for its reaction. The life that makes everything work inside the body is the spirit, the breath of God, that is a gift given to us to make use wisely. Thus, on matters of negotiation, we are used to meet people face-to-face in a meeting or a conference. With the presence of technology, meetings are done on-line via webcam. People are comfortable this way, because we see, we feel instantly what the other person is feeling or reacting. Humans as we are, we always seek for a confirmation of what we have in our mind as we relay it via "talk" or "meeting" with the other person on the other line. Humans have difficulty trusting people they don't see in person brought about by programming of the human species civilization to be extra "cautious". The civilization of humanity thus made human to be careful "for his/her security not to be harm" by other human. Barriers were put in place, discrimination resulted, groupings of who is in and out of the society's norms, etc. Imagine, with our century old of the mind programming of this kind, do you still wonder, why people have difficulty trusting other people? So for the sake of innovation, why not consider that there is also another way to communicate with humans (and other species). Because if you believe that you have a spirit (which is the breath of God) within your body, where God communicates to us everytime we pray, don't you think we can also learn to trust our capacity to communicate to the person we want to meet through prayer? Before we know it, those matters that we failed to agree upon to this person because of cultural differences and/or limitations of physical contact, can actually be resolved. It will take time, but the patience to wait and pray has its "fruits of peace" as God heals and mediates within.