Interfaith Intercultural Interracial Prayers for World Peace: "Be the Peace Leader. Let's Pray One Another for Peace" - Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, sailing for peace
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Be obedient by all means to avoid greater damage later on. We are bounded by laws, rules, regulations and commandments meant not to please people in authority but were put in place to protect us from danger. The concept of religion with its corresponding mandated lifestyles made it easier for human civilization to be more organize because not all can survive with free mind, some needs to be lead by visionaries to know their purpose in life. Be a free thinker and be happy even without a religion, but if we decide to have a religion, be faithful also to the teachings of the chosen religion...
To talk about faith can be one way, only to God, directly without intervention - private and personal. But, we cannot deny the fact that religions influence the way we see God, the way a righteous living should be, etc. With various religions, contradictions exists causing disharmony to some communities. Don't let the concept of right and wrong harass us and keep us from exploring our free mind. For as long as we are responsible adults who knows that hurting another soul takes sensitivity to the person's right of human dignity, and we take extra precautions not to hurt and respect all, then we can be confident that we know what we are doing. Now, if one decided to have a religion, it is expected that this person will also remain faithful to the teachings of his/her chosen religion. For they are not only believers of God, but believers of their chosen religion. Faithfulness does matter whatever we do and wherever we go, and whoever we are with - a crucial virtue that we can always carry to help us develop the "sincere friendship" with our fellow beings in the human community.