Interfaith Intercultural Interracial Prayers for World Peace: "Be the Peace Leader. Let's Pray One Another for Peace" - Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, sailing for peace
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Peace Vigil 2013: Peace is not limited to seeking justice but rather peace is clearing the way to allow God to hand-over justice. Peace is achievable by the self within to connect this self to God. While justice is achievable by God and connects it to us through man (people) . In order for it to work is to take the road of prayer because that is the road where we see God and where God speaks to us. Prayer is not a shortcut but a process that we go through. We do not wait for the process to end but we allow ourselves to go through the process of Prayer. What keeps us going is our Faith...
Our faith is strengthened as our angels gives us "signs" that our connection or prayer is getting clearer, the signal is getting better. We do not wait for justice to come, we pray that justice will be given by God in due time, in God's time. When we practice our Prayer everyday, there will be no room for us to prolong our anger, neither do we have the conviction to hate, we just let God be God! We will never get lonely, never get frustrated, never get anxious, but we remain calm and peaceful in God's hands. We accept that God is working within us and around us, healing our karma for us to achieve our peace within.